Turmoil in Texas {Ashlyn the Austonaut Update}

Greetings from Austin, everybody! The past two weeks sure haven't been all rainbows, butterflies, and sunshine down here. (Well, actually there has been plennnnntyyy of sunshine. With temperatures most days exceeding 105 degrees, but that's beside the point.) A few days after signing off on my last post my boyfriend and I found ourselves in... Continue Reading →

Ashlyn Becoming an Austonaut

I can't wait to get out of Kansas! If you have known me for any length of time then you have heard those words come out of my mouth on almost a daily occasion. So often, in fact, that I was even beginning to make myself irritated by how repetitive I was sounding. It was... Continue Reading →

It’s Not About You, It’s About Love

T-minus eight hours (give or take) until our timelines across social media platforms will be flooded with Valentine's Day posts. Every year, without fail, I could bet money on seeing handfuls of statuses, snap stories, tweets... etc. filled with posts that condemn the holiday followed with whiny, self-pity parties thrown by single people across the... Continue Reading →

#30DaysOfHappiness: Day 16 & 17

Smiles from the past two days: 1) I got my tongue pierced. This was the easiest piercing I have ever gotten! I went to stray cat tattoos here in Manhattan, KS. The piercer there,  John, is absolutely AMAZING at what he does. I was really nervous and he calmed me down by making me laugh... Continue Reading →

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