Dear parents, please try not to raise a$$holes.


Dear parents,
Please try not to raise assholes for children because I will assume the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Dear parents,
Please teach your children how to tip when they go out to eat.

Dear parents,
Please teach your kids manners. Saying yes ma’am, no sir, & holding doors open for those who are older than them can go a long way.

Dear parents,
Teach your kids to live by the golden rule of treating others how they want to be treated.

Dear parents,
Raise kids that have motivation, ambition, & want to be successful in life.

Dear parents,
Teach your sons how to treat a lady, but also teach him not to get walked upon by parasite females that will suck the life out of him.

Dear parents,
Teach your daughters that it’s okay to say “no”, but that it’s also okay to say “yes” & how to know the difference between the “right” & “wrong” time/guy.

Dear parents,
Let your kids know that they can talk to you about anything.

Dear parents,
Please be honest with your children. Teach them firsthand that honesty is always the best policy.

Dear parents,
Teach your boys not to sag their damn pants & to quit acting like a hoodlum.

Dear parents,
Teach your children how to love. They will watch your love life actions and replicate them towards others as they grow up.

Dear parents,
Set up a bank account for your children and teach them about finances & how to manage their money so that when they’re out on their own they’re not clueless as to where the $30 overdraft fee came from.

Dear parents,
Take your children seriously.

Dear parents,
Stay involved in your kid’s lives & you won’t wonder how you didn’t know they were smoking pot, sneaking out, & getting drunk at 15.

Dear parents,
Teach your kids that it’s okay to fail, only when they tried their hardest not to.

Dear parents,
Teach your kids that shit happens.

Dear parents,
Tell your kids no.

Dear parents,
Teach your daughters how a woman should be treated by being a living example.

Dear parents,
Make your kids do chores so they’re not lazy when they move out.

Dear parents,
Make sure your kids know that not everything in life will be handed to them. MAKE THEM GET A JOB AT 16.

Dear parents,

Dear parents,
If your kids are living at home after high school they better have a job or be going to school.

Dear parents,
Please raise open minded children so we don’t have more people populating the earth that still think homosexuality effects them somehow. Or kids who think the color of their skin makes them better than anybody else.

Dear parents,
Give your kids some morals to live by.

Dear parents,
Don’t let your kid expect you to pay for their sh*t after the age of 16. They have a job.

Dear parents,
Don’t let your kids be attention seekers.


Dear parents,
Love your children unconditionally.

I am so thankful for my mom growing up. She deserves credit for the young woman I have become today. This post was inspired by the numerous people I encounter who are my age and still run around acting like middle schoolers. At first I used to get mad at them for acting like a$$holes & always leaving me to pick up their pieces for them in a friendship. Until my mom pointed out that their parents probably didn’t teach them these things growing up. Very sad.. & no, I don’t have children of my own. Don’t take this post too seriously, it’s for a mixed audience; both parents and “kids” my age.


2 thoughts on “Dear parents, please try not to raise a$$holes.

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  1. I like you post but the one that says if you are a “X” do not come in is quite one-sided. It is fair to say that you might not agree with their sentiments, but it would be a illegal and un-American of you not to allow them in because you disagree with their beliefs. I would assume you are in American and an American you should be even more tolerant to those who are not so because the bigots are the ones to be pitied. They are the ones that we should feel bad for because they are misinformed. But do not condemn them. For example, the only simple reason you are not a rattlesnake is because your parents were not rattlesnakes. You deserve little credit for what you are, and as such, they deserve little DIScredit for what they are. As John Bradford quipped when passing a drunkard “For but the grace of God go I.” When we started limiting peoples entrance to places just because we disagree with their believes, no matter how wrong they might be, we perpetuate the same “anti” whatever that they as well perpetuate.

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